Float Therapy (Currently Unavailable)

Float therapy is currently unavailable while we search for Metta's new home!
Please check back or reach out to be put on a call list for the new space and updates.
Any unused floats will be honored when we have floats up and running again. Thank you for your patience and continued support!
Floating, also known as sensory deprivation, isolation therapy or R.E.S.T. (Restricted Environmental Stimulation Technique) is a form of therapy that has been around since the mid 1950's. It was invented by neuro-scientist, John C. Lily and used to study consciousness and it's relationship to the brain.
Floating triggers a deep relaxation response, much deeper than normal sleep and enables us to drift into an elusive Theta state, which is hard to achieve. Without the distraction of external stimulation of every day life, (light, sound, temperature, gravity) our Central Nervous System's workload is reduced by 90%, enabling us to turn that energy inward and promotes a parasympathetic response. This is the response mechanism that allows our bodies to regenerate and heal itself naturally.
Inside the floatation tank 500 kg of specially formulated salts imported directly from Germany and added to 1000 liters of water, creating a 30 cm deep solution, which is heated to 35.5 degrees C, about 95 degrees Fahrenheit (approximately the temperature of your skin).
The temperature of the water means that once you are settled in the tank, it is virtually impossible to distinguish between parts of the body that are in contact with the water, and those that aren’t.
The buoyancy created by the dense Epsom-salt solution effectively removes the effects of gravity on the body, and brings the individual close to an experience of total weightlessness. Unless you are an astronaut, this is the only situation you will encounter where your body is free from the harmful forces of gravity.
With ear plugs in and, if you wish, the tank’s interior lights off, the quietness and the darkness allow the mind to drift into the deepest state of relaxation possible.
A huge amount of brain power is used every second in order to deal with the strain that gravity places on one’s body but now floating weightlessly your body is perfectly supported by a cushion of silky skin-temperature liquid.
Freed from all sensation of gravity, temperature, touch, sight and sound (which together account for 90% of normal neuromuscular activity), you conserve and redirect vast amounts of natural physical and mental energy.
The ultra-deep relaxation of floating “resets” the body’s hormonal and metabolic balance, strengthening resistance to and accelerating recovery from the effects of stress, illness, injury or strenuous exercise.
With no commands needing to be sent out, the logical side of the brain is rendered redundant, and its activity slows down until it synchronizes with the creative side. This leaves the individual in a dream-like state, akin to the thoughts experienced just before you go to sleep. In this state, the brain releases vast amounts of endorphins.
While the state of relaxation may be deep and profound, the individual’s brain stays dreamily alert. The brain gradually shifts from its usual waking beta state to generate deep alpha, theta or even delta waves, the state-of-mind That Buddhist monks try to reach through hours of meditation and years of training. You can achieve this in a matter of Minutes just by lying back into the silky warm sea of bliss that is the floatation experience!
90 Minute Prenatal Floats are ONLY $30 while you are pregnant
Try your first time float (60 or 90 minutes) for ONLY $50! (Not to be combined with any other discounts)
Float Therapy
90 Minute Float - $65
60 Minute Float - $59
Prenatal Float Therapy (90 minutes): $30
Float Packages
Pack of 3 Floats: $165 ($55 per float)
Pack of 5 Floats: $250 ($50 per float)
Pack of 10 Floats: $450 ($45 per float)
*All packages are 90 minute float sessions, expire one year from purchase, non-refundable, may be shared or transferred upon purchaser's request.
Please note: If you have had your hair dyed or a tattoo within the last 10 days, you must wait to float.
Try to eat a small meal or snack before your appointment, to avoid floating on an empty stomach.
Try to avoid having caffeine within two hours of your float.
Thank you.